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ELLE_입추에서 : 특별한 취향을 가진 7인이 추천한 가을 작품들 《ELLE》 October 2023 Features 입추에서 : 특별한 취향을 가진 7인이 추천한 가을 작품들 Editor. Jeon Hye Jin, Jeong So Jin CINEMA Renaud Capuçon, 2018 슬픈 카페의 노래 Carson McCullers, 2005 CINEMA PARADISO Giuseppe Tornatore, 1988
지연의 윤리학_사진적인 것: 빛의 안식처 《지연의 윤리학》 김홍기 지음 November 2022 워크룸 프레스
ARENA_interview Q. How have you been since your solo exhibition, ≪Vexations≫? Tell us your some updates. A. I've been climbing mountains. Though field surveys aren’t going on smoothly with the pandemic and all, I've been materializing my thoughts for my next work as I visited mountains in my neighborhood. I’m in the middle of research, field surveys, and production since I came up with a theme and subject I wan..
ART IN CULTURE_Hottest Artists 81 《Art In Culture》 December 2021 Art Market Hottest Artists 81 바람의 안쪽 #1 Inner side of the Wind #1 2017 Oil on Linen 130.3x130.3cm
K-ARTS MAGAZINE_Cover 《K-ARTS MAGAZINE 32》 Winter 2019 Cover 마른 기억 Extended Edit 2008 Pencil on Paper 29.7x21cm
THE NEIGHBOR_예술가의 영혼 속에 깃든 나무 《THE NEIGHBOR》 April 2019 Feature 나무의 마음 Editor. Seol Mi Hyun
THE NEIGHBOR_연필의 힘 《THE NEIGHBOR》 July 2018 Art 연필의 힘 Editor. Seol Mi Hyun
월간 미술세계_review 《월간 미술세계》 December 2016 Vol.385 review 허락된 만큼만 숨어있겠습니다. 글. 유지원 (미학)
K-ARTS MAGAZINE_Cover & View 《K-ARTS MAGAZINE 19》 Autumn 2016 작명 Cover & View
ARTICLE_review 《article》 경향 아티클 May 2014 issue #34 review1 시적 독백: 저 뒤쪽 어디에 있는 것 글. 구나연 (미술사, 미술비평)
2021 ∵ An Artwork’s Beginning and End I seem to receive more and more questions about the beginnings and ends of my artworks. I still have been unable to find a satisfying answer to this question, and I am unsure if I was able to prepare one this time either. For me, a work does not begin the moment I set up the canvas or pull out a piece of paper. Every moment I am taking things in and storing them ..
2018 The trace left after a big loss cannot be easily replaced with something else. A painting is an active process and behavior of respecting the remembered emotions, thereby engraving them. This process is something that cannot be put into a concrete noun. So, I prefer to express it as 'something that coherently condenses internally, eventually firmly settling in its place.' This expression illustr..
2016 For me, sensing the reality and continuing the memories are akin to recognizing the sounds. The objects subjected to visualization that are beyond the boundaries of sounds are scattered by leaving vague silhouettes behind or are rather being grouped into similar images. Thus, to see something is like reacting to the sounds embedded in the object even before seeing the visual image. This is where..
2015 The reality recedes two verses behind. The search for the two verses that flew behind at a moment when it was nearly offbeat, recalls the unconsciously remembered landscape. The similarity of the landscapes is that although the very object that directly influenced them for a prolonged period of time had already dissipated, they still embody the ‘aural texture’, which is the condensation of the r..
2014 I focus more on the flow felt by the movements of the observed subject rather than the original forms or the location of the subject. The empathy gets more profound when I confront a landscape that is on verge of life and death, barely allowing itself to bloom and fall off. Even the quiet grazing sounds, small movements of the landscape make me to want to listen more of the feeling of the landsc..
2013 There, wind blows in the late autumn. I open my eyes before the complete surrender of the grasses, and the onset of sleep of every living thing. With the hope of blooming again, I push forward every day toward the miracle of being able to live again. The life has stopped with the start of a new millennium. The soul of the paused life rubbed its body against the landscape. Slowly and slowly, the ..
2012 Wall drawing is to express the memory and imagination driven from the already existing traces of the wall. The drawing would not be drawn if it was not the place. The construction process of the wall makes physical trace of screw spike and pit etc. Along with the traces, the long remaining paint wear off of the wall are starting points for imagination. Similar to the saying 'Imagination belies o..
Haven of Light 서러운빛 Haven of Light 권현빈, 오종, 한진 2020. 07. 07 - 08. 15 P21 Gallery 기획. 장혜정 사진. 이의록 글. 김홍기 (미술비평) 조각과 회화와 설치로 꾸민 전시 『서러운 빛』(P21, 2020)의 공간을 서성이며 사진에 대해 생각해본다. 권현빈의 조각도, 한진의 회화도, 오종의 설치도 사진과는 꽤나 무관해 보이지만, 그것들이 한 전시 공간에서 서로 엮이자 어쩐지 각자가 독특한 방식으로 변주된 사진처럼 여겨진다. 이런 비약적인 생각은 역시 이 전시의 제목이 '서러운 빛'인 까닭에 생겨난 것이다. 서러움의 정체는 아직 헤아릴 길 없지만 빛이라는 단어는 금세 빛(photo)의 기록(graphy)인 사진(photography)을 떠올리게 하기 때문이다. 어쩌면 이 각각..
The Sound of Memories – Han Jin,《Black Ice》Exhibition The Sound of Memories – Han Jin, 《Black Ice》 Exhibition Black Ice Dec. 20. 2018 - Jan. 05. 2019 Gallery Chosun Written by Nayeon Gu (Art Critic) What silk of time’s sweet balm Where the Chimera tires himself Is worth the coils and natural cloud You tend before the mirror’s calm?*1 At Han Jin’s solo exhibition 'Black Ice', her brush strokes caught my eyes. The infinite layers stemming from a repe..
An Essay on 'Hoiso' An Essay on 'Hoiso' Black Ice Dec. 20. 2018 - Jan. 05. 2019 Gallery Chosun Written by Yuri An (Artist) The word, ‘Hoiso’ in Korean has two different meanings depending on which Chinese characteristic it is based on. ‘Hoiso(回蘇)’ refers to the status of barely reviving after near death. On the other hand, ‘Hoiso(繪素)’ refers to paintings. Artist Han Jin strives to depict the traces of an unanticipa..