Han Jin 2023. 1. 30. 12:10



The reality recedes two verses behind. The search for the two verses that flew behind at a moment when it was nearly offbeat, recalls the unconsciously remembered landscape.


The similarity of the landscapes is that although the very object that directly influenced them for a prolonged period of time had already dissipated, they still embody the ‘aural texture’, which is the condensation of the remaining vestige. The ‘aural texture’ is visualized by the prolonged continuing accumulation, forming multiple layers and strata. The multiple layers and strata come as ever more clearly among the remaining subjects which were left by the unremembered movements of yesterday’s wind and water. Just like ‘Humming’ without a beginning and end, one strolls through the landscape where it is impossible to find the starting point of the manifesting movement.


It is the space where one wanders around when one was required to be numb for the sake of preserving someone else’s sensitivity or the space one revisits whenever the life of the reality seems to be utterly impossible.


There, the journey, wandering, and monologue coexist.



2015. 한진 Han Jin.